Sunday, February 28, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

A photo shoot with Cole

As I have mentioned in previous posts, Cole and I hang out and stretch every morning. Often, these baby yoga routines turn into impromptu photo shoots. While I am not the best photographer, here are some shots from a recent morning.
Notice the new double chin and big belly - Cole is trying to get up to fighting weight!

Getting Clean...

Friday, February 12, 2010

A little bit o' video

Well, Cole has started babbling and smiling a bit, so I busted out the camera to try to catch it on video - but no dice. So here is the video is a little boring, but those of you who haven't officially met Cole might like watching to check him out "in action"!

Cole Loves......

His Grandmas!!!

Aunt Stephani's First Visit

Aunti Nini came to visit a few weeks ago and spent the day with us. It was great to see her. We wish she still lived here in AZ with us, but since she moved back to Cali, she will just have to visit often!!

Mommy's Three Boys...

Here are my three boys all taking a nap together....PJ has been great so far with Cole. I think he feels pretty confident since he is three times the size of Cole!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Watch me grow..

What a difference a few weeks makes! The first photo is Cole when he is only a few days old...the next was taken just a few days ago at about 3 weeks old! Look at how he has grown...I feel like he is already a little boy in the bottom photo. Don't grow up too quickly Cole!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Baby Yoga

So, Cole likes to get his stretch on once a day or so, to flex his muscles and let out some energy. I usually try to give him a little baby massage too...this helps his belly, which tends to be a little gassy.

His favorite place to stretch is on the quilt his Nana and Aunt Janet made!