Saturday, December 15, 2007

So, we aren't very good at blogging....

So, blogging is hard...not the physical act of blogging, but actually taking time to remember to sit down and do it. Maybe if I set myself a alarm once a week or something.

We have had a fun couple of weeks. It has rained the past two weekends here in AZ, which has been a bummer because we have had people in town. But, the desert is in a drought (imagine that) so we needed the rain.

My Mom came two weeks ago. We relaxed and took her to see our new home. We actually went to the new house both days - that's how much fun it is! On Saturday night we got our Christmas tree and put it up. Here are some photos of the occasion - our first Christmas in Arizona.

I forced Chris to hang up an ornament - this is him obeying me. The rest of the time he sat on the couch and directed the decoration process.

My Mom was a great participator in the tree decorating - thanks Mom!

I feel as though I look fantastically tall in this photo - something about the angle makes me look at least 5'5" - I am stoked! This is the tallest I have ever looked! I know it is an optical illusion, but I love it - I don't even have heals on.

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