Monday, January 18, 2010

The Dr. is In!

Cole just loves his pediatrician, Dr. Seitter. When he came by to visit in the hospital, we had just changed his diapers and he was a little fussy. But, he immediately calmed down when Dr. Seitter examined him.

We had our first official check up on Friday and Cole did great. Not only did he not cry even once, he had gained back all but 1 oz of the weight he lost after birth! What a little success already.

Anyhow, Chris and I had been actively charting all Cole's feeding and wet diapers to make sure that Cole was eating enough....Dr. said not to worry about tracking it all...he is healthy and doing great!

Here are some photos from the big event.

On his way to the car with Daddy:

This one gives great perspecitve on how little he is!

Chillin' on the exam table

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