Monday, December 6, 2010

Cole tells me he loves me..

Music to my ears....even though he has no idea what he is saying!

A time of Thanks!

We have a lot to be Thankful for here in the Schwartz household. Even though I don't love living in Arizona, we both have good jobs, we have a nice house, and we have loads of wonderful family and friends (even if most of them live in other states!). So lots to be thankful for.

Mostly this year we are thankful for Cole - he is such a fun baby/little boy and we are blessed to have had a happy, healthy first 1o months under our belts.

Due to Chris' work schedule it is hard for us to travel for Thanksgiving. We have been with friends the past couple of years, but this year celebrated just the 3 of us. We had a yummy dinner. Below are some videos from the day - we are still waiting to purchase a camera.